Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sartori Raspberry Bella Vitano and Rosemary Olive Oil Asiago

OK, here are the two cheeses I bought today. Yeah, the picture sucks, but the first one is a parmesan-esque cheese flavored with raspberry ale, and the second is an asiago flavored with rosemary and olive oil.

The Raspberry BellaVitano really surprised me. I was sure I was going to hate it, because I don't like raspberries and "BellaVitano" is a stupid name. Well, I apologize, cheese, because you are delicious. The Sartori website says:
"This premium cheese features the unique Parmesan flavor and creamy Cheddar texture of our signature BellaVitano cheese – soaked in New Glarus Raspberry Tart Ale to bring out the fruity notes of the cheese."

Yeah, basically. The parmesan flavor is extremely mild, though. The texture is quite nice, crumbly but indeed just creamy enough. And the raspberry ale flavor? Awesome. It's a mild, refreshing hint of fruit flavor that blends perfectly with the natural tartness of the cheese.
I recommend it for salads or cheese plates.

Now, onto the Rosemary & Olive Oil Asiago. I'm not surprised that I like this cheese, because really, how could you go wrong with these flavors? The Sartori website has some food and wine pairings for this cheese:

But whatever. I'm a cheese layperson, and as such have no interest in "pairing" my cheese with just the right vintage or chutney or what have you. I just want to eat it, okay? My personal recommendation: I would eat this cheese with some crackers, olives, and maybe a nice pate if I had one. Or, I would just eat it by itself, like I'm doing right this second.

RATING: Raspberry BellaVitano: 3 out of 5 stars Rosemary & Olive Oil Asiago: 3 out of 5 stars

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