Monday, August 31, 2009

Woolwich Dairy Triple Creme Goat Brie

Soft goat cheese is certainly common enough, but it's not every day that you eat Goat Brie. I love it, and this Woolwich Dairy variety that I picked up the other day was particularly delicious.

Goat Brie is pretty similar to Cow Brie, except that it is a little less rich (even in triple-creme form), and it of course has the distinctive flavor of goat milk that comes with any goat cheese. It adds a subtle interest to the creamy, melty cheese, and is a refreshing alternative to your usual brie experience. I highly recommend it.

RATING: 3 out of 5 stars

Sonoma Jack Garlic Jack

I'm sure you've seen varieties of Sonoma Jack at your grocery store - I've tried a few of them in the past but was never that impressed. Not until I tried their "Garlic Jack" flavor. Wow! I am a huge fan of garlic, the more garlic in my food, the better. In terms of garlicky goodness, this cheese really delivers. It is rich and creamy and intensely garlicky, in the best possible way.

What to do with it, though? It is so very garlicky that it might potentially disrupt or overpower the other flavors on your cheese plate. The label suggests: "Grate it on breads!". I think this is a fine idea. You could drizzle some olive oil or butter on french bread, load it up with grated Garlic Jack, and run it under the broiler for garlic cheesy bread heaven. Alternatively, I imagine it would be lovely on a burger. I don't think it would be impossible to serve this cheese plate-style, either; I would just give it some strong accessories, like olives (garlic-stuffed olives, even??), mustard, pickles, and beer.

RATING: 3 out of 5 stars