Monday, November 30, 2009

New Holland Havarti with Dill

Christmas (or whatever) is coming up, which means it's cheese plate season! My family never had a big Christmas dinner when I was growing up, we just spent the holiday week snacking on cheeses, cured meats, and whatever was around, Roman-style. So for me, the month of December is a non-stop orgy of chips, dips, breads, crackers, and cheese. It's a great time.

My husband and I kicked off cheese plate season last night with a rather lovely assortment, the first of which was New Holland Snacking Havarti with Dill. New Holland doesn't seem to have a web presence, but you can find their "snacking havartis" at most grocery stores. I'm not sure what distinguishes a "snacking havarti" from a full-on "eating havarti", perhaps someone will know the answer. Havarti pretty much always works, though, as a soft, mild cheese that will be palatable to anyone.

The Havarti with Dill was very nice, if you like dill of course. There's quite a bit of dill in it, and it's very spreadable. It goes well with cured meats and any pickle product of your choice - cornichons, chopped dills, pickled onions, et cetera.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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