Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fromage D'Affinois de Brebis

Fromage D'Affinois de Brebis is a GREAT sheep cheese. If you've never tried sheep milk cheese before, start with this one. But make sure you are getting the "de Brebis" variety with the cute little Ewe on the label - there is at least one other variety of Affinois cheese made from cow's milk.

The texture of this cheese is ultra-soft and gooey - as it sits out and comes to room temperature, it will start to run, so make sure you contain it somehow. It smells totally sheep-y, but not bad. ("sheep-y", to me, suggests a sort of musky, earthy smell, not unlike a strong mushroom.) The rind has an interesting texture too, and is fun to eat.

Brebis tastes really awesome and complex, and I assure you that you will love it. It's kind of salty, yet buttery, creamy, nutty, and almost meaty even. There's definitely a strong aspect of what white people call "umami" in this cheese. Glop it on to some crusty bread and thank me later.

RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

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